Creativity meets Humanity
INSPIRIT® Creatives
Communication Design Agency & Social Justice

Creativity and excellence in communication design for a healthier, safer and fairer world
Partnerships established on honesty, integrity, reliability, accountability and enthusiastic passion toward producing solutions that are customized, cost-effective approaches that work. Every INSPIRIT® contributor is expected to grow to meet each client’s needs.
Material choices matter. Branding, Packaging, and other design products, leave a carbon footprint. We are taking into account, environment, social and cultural aspects, during the creative design process. As a result, your final design project is more sustainable and equitable.
INSPIRIT® Creatives specializes in in human centered and sustainable design, freedoms, equality and human rights. Our creative processes are based on solid, authentic ideas, expanding to solve societal challenges in the world. We are taking actively part in CIVICUS, Earth Charter International, UN Women Empowerment.
“One person has more power to initiate a change - than thousands who don’t do anything.”
Branding for the future &
Advocacy for fairer world
Creativity ...
INSPIRIT® Creatives UG Agency that makes human rights into its DNA. We are the Robin Hoods of the creative industry! We see ourselves as the flagship of our own industry and show how we can contribute through our creative thinking process to create a safer, fairer and better world. Through our actions, not just through guidelines and statements.
Our mission: We are the first communication design agency to embed SDG Goal 16 and human rights in the business plan and mission. We are the creative agency with the "world in one team". By working with us, our customers can credibly commit themselves to achieve design solutions that are in line with, promoting peace, justice, human rights and human centered approach.
We are specialized working with United Nations and its agencies, NGOs Globally and Educational institutions.
... meets Humanity
INSPIRIT® Creatives UG NGO The change begins from our own backyard. With creativity we can find solutions that are affordable and accessible.
Are we politically motivated? Everything is political, we defer from the others by: our only politics is in Humanity, Freedom, Integrity and Democracy. Our core value is in ‘Race free society’, where each individual is free to express her/his opinion, without being afraid of persecution or repercussions. Regardless of ones gender, ethnicity or political orientation.
We are engaging in Public Policy Analyses, Advocacy for Social Justice, Human rights and Democracy. Implementation of projects that are beneficial for communities, empowering the youth and women, through our innovative solutions that are helping communities to become resilient and self sufficient.
We are staunch supporters of Indigenous Peoples land rights worldwide and support independent, local bio producers, contrary to solutions offered by multinational corporations to safe guard global food security.
“Africa for Africans”.
INSPIRIT® Creatives Environmental, Human and Animal rights statement
INSPIRIT® is a staunch supporter of ethical, human centered and sustainable design in communications. As well as being committed to the eco-friendliest technologies and practices throughout its network, INSPIRIT® is an active member and supporter of a variety of environmental, humanitarian, human rights and civil society organizations, including Africans Rising, CIVICUS, Earth Charter International, supporter of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and signatory of United Nations Women Empowerment.
All executives and associated organizations of INSPIRIT® Creatives aspire to ethical guidelines established by international bodies such as the United Nations and its agencies. Our project work is devoted to what we perceive as sustainable and socially beneficial activities. We do not work directly or indirectly for people or entities that benefit economically from the promotion of products, behaviors and choices that are detrimental to the environment, or to human and animal welfare.
We believe in open civic space, freedom of speech and journalism. No individual should be subject to arbitrary arrest and intimidation by any government or business entity.
We stand openly against industries and governments that are taking part, directly or indirectly to land grabbing from the Indigenous peoples and rural people communities worldwide, and/or are causing wildlife habitat loss.

We do...
... the right thing!
The Creatives:
Transforming communication to Social Justice
Clients (for full list of projects, please contact us):

Founder of INSPIRIT Creatives UG / NGO, Art Director, Designer and Human rights activist for Social Justice
Tuuli has over two decades experience working as an Art Director and lead designer. “There isn’t anything I can’t do, if I really want to” has been her motto throughout her life. Determination to reach the goal and finding new solutions to get there is her modus operendi. Since 2001, she has specialized working for NGOs and United Nations Agencies. Her work as an Art Director and Designer are including clients such as, International Foundation for Agricultural Development (IFAD – UN), World Health Organization HQ, World Health Organization EU, World Health Organization/Europe, World Health Communication Associates, International Montessori School, Creative Leadership Institute and Global Reporting Initiative.
Tuuli has served as an Juror at ico-D (International Council of Design) Sustainability Standard. In Spring 2015 she launched Sustainable Designers Initiative (SDI), an initiative working to improve the accessibility, to design education worldwide, especially in continents where inequality is a rule rather than exception.
In 2019 She founded INSPIRIT Creatives UG NGO, one of the first communication design agencies, taking on activities transforming communication to Social Justice. She is an active member of CIVICUS and Africans Rising.
She is passionate for human rights and social justice, horses and human intellect
David Shamala is a community advocate and human rights activist, passionate about addressing social exclusion within both grassroots and international human rights areas, especially on issues of youth and women's rights. He recently organized outreach and communication strategies to raise awareness for Global African SHEROES Union in New York City. David's other work has included: Chief Operating Officer at Do It With Boldness Foundation, participant at the African Union Commission's Youth4Peace Program, Ambassador at Good Hands International Inc. and Change-Maker at African Leadership Institute. He is currently a Team Lead at Inspirit Creatives NGO, treasurer of the Board at Africans Rising For Justice Peace and Dignity, and Board Member of Siasa Place NGO. David is a consultant at One of Us Project and Edges Of Africa book in Kenyan promoting its work. He holds bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Tatum Luntang is an IB graduate, currently a Fashion Design student at AMFI. She is experienced Illustrator and social media expert and working towards better transparency and respect to environmental and human rights issues, within her industry
Franklin Apfel MD MHS is Managing Director and founding partner of World Health Communication Associates Ltd and serves as a visiting faculty in Health Science at the University of the West of England (UWE, Bristol, UK). World Health Communication Associates serves as the secretariat for the World Health Editors Network (WHEN). WHEN is co-sponsored by the International Council of Nurses (ICN), FDI World Dental Federation (FDI), International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and the World Medical Association (WMA).
Previously, Franklin has worked as Head of Communications for the WHO Regional Office for Europe (Copenhagen), Primary Health Care Fellow of the King’s Fund (London), Regional Director Central and Eastern Europe Project HOPE (Bratislava), and a General Practitioner and medical director/CEO of California Health Leadership Inc. (Ukiah, USA). Franklin specializes in conference moderation, event communication strategies, writing policy briefs and campaign development.
Steve Turner has worked in TV and radio broadcasting and international communications for many years, providing products and services for broadcasters, WHO, United Nations, several UN agencies, EU, EC, FCO, WHCA and several NGOs. He has held directorial positions in the commercial world with Phoenix Television, APTN, Worldwide Television News, Molinare, and Capital Radio. He is currently director of Turner Associates.
Steve’s current work includes consultancy and execution in communication and advocacy, media, broadcast services, photography and video production.
Elke Jakubowski has 15 years’ experience in international European and national public health policy work. Her expertise lies in health system and health policy analysis and consulting at international, governmental, and institutional levels.
During the 8 years that Elke worked with (for?) the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Copenhagen, Elke set up and led the WHO’s ‘Futures Fora’ programme that works with chief medical officers and director generals of health in western European countries to address future-oriented critical challenges in health policy decision making.
Now running her own public health policy consultancy, Elke is working on international and national projects with several health ministries in Europe and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. She maintains several lectureships in European comparative health system analysis.
Elke has a medical doctoral degree from Germany and a Masters of Science in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Rebecca Warden is director of ICE, a Barcelona-based company which provides writing, editing and translation services to international organisations. ICE is an organisation of flexible, hardworking people who are always willing to go the extra mile to make the final product just a little better.
ICE edits and translates reports, articles, conference papers, policy briefings, text for websites and promotional material. ICE editors are used to working on texts by non-native speakers or meeting a very tight deadline without letting standards slip. ICE translators have excellent language skills and are used to producing smooth, stylish translations every time.
ICE writers are veteran journalists who write for a variety of publications. They can write news articles, features, entire newsletters, press releases, speeches or text for your website as well as producing any leaflets or brochures you may need. They are happy to travel to cover an important event. ICE writers are used to taking dense, technical source documents and turning them into clear, engaging prose that really gets your message across.
Member of The One Club (Art Directors Club)
Member of D&AD
Mitglied des BDG Berufsverband der Deutschen Kommunikationsdesigner e.V.
Member of UDB Belgium
ico-D Friend