
  • Bryndis Palmarsdottir
    “The ability to “feel” the needs and direction of you client. By listening to what the client wants, you manage to present ideas and then develop them in cooperation with a client, making for a very happy client at the end of the day”
    Bryndis Palmarsdottir
    EFTA Court, Luxembourg
  • David Berman, RGD, FGDC
    “Valerie Elliott, Tuuli Sauren, and Alex Quinto. These three unsinkable design thinkers. Self-driven, creative, and strategic, they focus on measurable success without compromise… with humility, confidentiality, and the highest of ethical standard.”
    David Berman, RGD, FGDC
    David Berman Developments Inc

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH)


Concept for WRAF info-graphic as part of the IWaSP programme
Brief: Imagery that reflects flexibility, phases, some of which may overlap with other phases, and visuals that show pathways to previous phases.
Outcome: The final graphic is fulfilling the set criteria and has reached the set goal to give better understanding of the program and its complexity.

EFTA Court

Branding/Corporate Identity

Brief: Transfer the EFTA Court “Works of Art”, book concept to the Annual Reports and brochures of the EFTA Court. The Book was designed by us in Spring 2011.
Outcome: Unusual attractive colourful sophisticated look, giving the Court more ‘human’ and modern image.

GRI Global Reporting Initiative

Conference Identity & Materials

Brief: Amsterdam city commitment to host the GRI Sustainability and Transparency Conference. The Conference symbol was to clearly communicate the 2 partnership in the event.

GRI Global Reporting Initiative

Web-based Reporting progress tool:
GRI Support Suite

Brief: The Support Suite is structured as a cycle that mirrors the reporting process and displays tools and services offered at each stage. The GRI Support Suite offers tools and services to guide and equip report preparers at every stage of the reporting process. As a report user, you can benefit, by improving your knowledge, identifying and reviewing reports and digging into the data.

International Montessori Schools

Book: Electronic entertainment and its harm to developing brain of the children

International Montessori Schools

Branding/Corporate Identity

Brief: Identity which is illustrating the Montessori mission that each child is an individual.

European Free Trade Association


Brief: New fresh and up-to-date look and feel of the modern European Free Trade Association Solution: Identity which can be carried over easily to all digital and printed materials.
Outcome: Light and sophisticated look, yet easily identified as an EFTA.

World Health Organization

Concept of the Report cover
Tobacco and its environmental impact: an overview

Brief: Design of the cover which is illustrating the damage Tobacco has to the Environment. Not only on Human Helath.

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development


Brief: BOD - graphics for new regional structures

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

Procurement Hand Book

Brief: Concept and design for the folder with the easily identified sections and icons illustrating the content.

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

Security instructions info-graphics

Brief: Offer clear, easy to follow instructions in case of emergency.

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

Video and ePub

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

Manuals, Brochures and Info-graphics

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development


World Health Organization

Book: Better Health for Europe

World Health Organization

World Health Day Campaign

Brief: Advocacy and visual identity for the World Health Day 2006, Working together for Health’ Campaign

World Health Organization/Europe

Futures Forum Crisis Communication Report Serie

Brief: Development of the concept and visual identity for the Report covers and inside

EFTA 10th Ministerial Conference, Logo and Branding

WHO - World Health Day Campaign, Logo and Branding

International Montessori School, Logo and Branding

World Health Communication Associates, Logo and Branding